Content Strategy


Writing search engine optimization (SEO) content that ranks with the search engines is the most difficult task for any SEO specialist. Most SEO experts would rather work on some other aspect of SEO rather than write content. It is hard and challenging. I have asked partner SEO firms to write or rewrite content that will rank. I have given them specific instructions on how to perform the tasks to get the content to rank and most often they are unwilling to comply because they use external sources to write content.

Content is on the far left of the SEO Periodic Table because it constitutes the basic elements of web page ranking. Ranking content is essential for search engine optimization. Below are some tools I created to help new content writers understand how to write web content that will rank. These tools give evidence of my SEO skill level and what I bring to your organization.


SEO Content Writing


SEO Periodic Table

SEO Periodic Table

Source Credit: Search Engine Land